Holding Your hand as we walk along a path together; not resisting, not jerking away because of the world’s distractions, calmly and securely leaving my hand in Yours. The walk is so steady when my hand stays in Yours. It’s like a child’s complete reliance and trust in a parent; trusting the direction, trusting one will be safe. I guess this is what “surrender” is all about. In the past I never liked that word. It seemed like an abandoning of oneself; relinquishing control. Ah well, yes, it is. Why is that so scary? It is scary except when surrendering to God.
How do all these thoughts relate to my business? My business is part of my life, one of those episodes along the path. Sure, I can divert to other paths and it is ultimately clear when I have done so; spinning wheels, unfulfillment, guilt, stress, worry, confusion, feeling overloaded, pushing, pushing.
My resolve: my Lord and Savior is my guide in my business.
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