RESPONSE – Happiness Article
Response to Article By Jessica Stillman Contributor, PUBLISHED ON: MAY 16, 2019
Title: Nobel Prize-Winning Psychologist: Most People Don’t Want to Be Happy (and That’s Smart) Worry less about momentary happiness and more about overall life satisfaction.
From article: “While interest in positive psychology is soaring, every objective measure suggests happiness is flat lining or declining. What’s going on?”
Yes, what’s going on?
From the article: The difference between happiness and satisfaction – Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman, renowned psychologist cites “another reason so many of us aren’t all that happy – we’re not trying to be”….”there is a difference between happiness and life satisfaction.” “We want to do stuff that matters so we can look back on our lives with satisfaction.”
Wow! Sounds so much like a manual I’m seeking to follow. What manual are you following? From what article are you grasping for truth and understanding, points that will be your solution to happiness and joy, your guide to a path of a life fulfilled?
Check out my manual, the one that does not change with time or skirt around the issue; written by the most renowned writer (among other things).
From the article: “……In some circles ….the focus is on relentlessly checking off goals. This tends to kill relationships and joy and is definitely not the path to the good life in any form.”
So true. I have attended or listened to so many seminars, webinars, read articles etc. about goal setting, setting priorities, vision boards, path to success etc. etc. etc. Checking off goals is a relentless treadmill producing much sweat with success that may be fulfilling in the short term and some that may not ever be fulfilling.
I heard a speaker recently share their understanding of the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness, in their opinion, is based on circumstances. If the circumstances are good, one is happy, but if they change (and they will) one is not happy. However, joy emanates from the spirit, the heart and is not dependent on circumstances.
Those who believe in Jesus and receive His love are filled with the joy of His Spirit. What, you say! Do all believers always reflect joy? Unfortunately, no. Receiving His love, turning to Him takes practice and intention, as all the other things we spend time practicing with intention. He is a Divine Nobel prize winner, Who has all the answers and a manual that doesn’t change. When one receives His love, believes His promises, shazam!
Yes, what’s going on?
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