Final Weight Loss Journey Reflections along the Path
CHECK-IN: Finished a 7 day healthy cleanse well. Lost 6.4 lbs. I even lost some inches. Looking at those before and after measurements is revealing. Between the cleanse, my daily smoothie and supplements, and consistent safe exercise my body is being transformed.
Great to be back on track! I am below an original goal weight, but now striving for 5 more lbs. That would bring me just 10 lbs over the weight when I got married. An important focus the next couple of weeks is to continue a lot of the healthy practices from the 7 Day Healthy Cleanse that I know I need – variety, more veges, prep. I did keep off all the weight lost in the June cleanse (a 1st , in the past gained some weight back). Goal is to do it again. I’m liking this path of a HLJ, Healthy Lifestyle Journeyer.
CHECK-IN: 3 weeks since last check in. Weighed myself day before migraine – no weight loss, and then about 10 days after that – gained 3.4 lbs. Wow! The migraine threw me off in so many ways those 3 weeks. However, glad to say 3 lbs of that gain are gone and on my way to recovery. Planning my next Cleanse which always resets the heights on the quality and quantity of my eating. Also getting back on track with a consistent exercise program. Have 1 person joining me for a Cleanse start early Oct, date to be determined. Join us.
Encouragement: Just jump back on the journey; I am an HLJ, Healthy Lifestyle Journeyer! The road is not always smooth; it is a lifetime journey and the sights along the way (reaching short term weight loss goals, having more energy etc.) are so worth it.

CHECK-IN: 9/7/20, Lost .8 lbs. Seems like such a small amount, but reviewing my overall average weight loss helps with perspective. Since June 1 have lost 13 lbs, which means 1 lb average per week (my goal). Most of the weight loss was during the 7-day healthy cleanse, of which I am a strong advocate. One positive aspect (and there are many) it forces me to focus on veges more. Time for another one in Oct.
CHECK-IN: .6 lb lost (that seems to be my most prevalent weight loss). Each week I look to what I have learned and need to focus on. Being what I call a sugar addict, eating fruit has never been a problem. But not eating enough veges has always been an issue. That must be why I do so well on the Cleanse. It forces one to eat those vegetables or you’ll be hungry. So, what’s the resolution – mindset? Definition – a mental attitude or inclination. Well, I don’t have the inclination, the desire, yes. Is it the preparation that gets in the way? Too difficult, never done it before, no prior frame of reference. Yet I love well prepared vegetables.
My father used to use the phrase, mind over matter. Dictionary definition – used to describe a situation in which someone is able to control a physical condition, problem, etc., by using the mind. So, then I started to think about Vision boards and the gradual impact on the mind people use them for. There are lots of vege pics out there. The vision of God supplying this wonderful bounty comes to mind.
Enough of my analyzing and rambling on. Have veges in the frig speaking to me.
CHECK-IN: Lost .6 lb. Seems so slow. Could be disheartening. One perspective, here’s another! Since I started this journey with the cleanse 6/1, I have lost 11 lbs. Averaging it out keeps mark with my goal of 1 lb per week. Amazing what a full perspective provides. It buoys me up. I had endeavored over a year ago in this final leg of my weight loss but got nowhere. The difference, staying with the program, not 100% all the time because I am human. Quickly getting back on track has been the norm. Persevering.

A Few Thoughts: Today I went reaching for 1 of my go to grab fruit jars. None there! So you know what I did next, set up my 6 Ball jars with different fruits. Having them ready (or close to ready) makes a real difference for me. A time factor is involved. However, when the task and its positive outcome become elevated in one’s mind, you take the time to do it even though there are a ton of things vying for one’s time. This concept applies to so many things. God wants us to focus on doing those positive things that can bring us closer to Him. Living on fire demands that we do all we can to maintain healthy bodies 1 Cor 6:19-20.
CHECKIN: Okay, not quite my 1 lb a week goal ( .8 lb). Exercised consistently, so I know I’m gaining muscle. Will take measurements next week. These last few lbs take commitment.
Reviewing the week, greater than the total goal calories was reached twice (not by much). Analyzing MyFitnessPal, it was the potato salad I made to use up some baby red potatoes, which I ate late last night😆. The mayo plus the potatoes was the culprit. Other than that, I ate very well, even added pears. Recognize that when I ate a late lunch, that affected supper, I wanted to eat more.
The moral of the story – plan and track your food intake, eat at consistent times, be very aware of and try to avoid high calorie low nutrient value items (especially late at night).
ENCOURAGEMENT: This encouragement is definitely for me. This final 15 lbs is tough, especially since it has been there for decades.

CHECK-IN: 8/1/20, After food shopping this week, I decided to implement a Tip from the cleanse and not put away the fruits and veges until they were washed, cut up, and put up in pint Ball jars. I had to factor in time for this task. 6 mixed fruit and 6 mixed vege jars were put up. Having them ready to grab is worth the prep time. My goal is to strive to do this as a regular routine. Let’s see how I do.
New Recipes tried: Mixed up the Mint Avocado Smoothie 4 times this week (used 2 scoops Shaklee Life Shake). I am becoming a fan of fresh mint. Also a good one to get more greens. @Ann this recipe is a keeper. Today I tried the Chocolate Zucchini Bread Smoothie but with vanilla protein. Tomorrow it will be with Chocolate. Fun in the kitchen
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